Three of our professors receive their service anniversary certificates.

We would like to congratulate Prof. Schönberger, Prof. Hirte and Prof. Nachtigall on this year's anniversary and pay tribute to their work at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences.


Prof. Dr. Schönberger - Chair of Transport Management and Logistics

Jörn Schönberger holds the Chair of Transport Management and Logistics at the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences at TU Dresden. He began his academic career with a degree in mathematics at the University of Bremen in 2000 and obtained his doctorate in economics there in 2004. His dissertation "Operational Freight Carrier Planning" was awarded the dissertation prize of the Society for Operations Research. In 2010, he habilitated at the same university and was awarded a teaching license in business administration.

Before being appointed to TU Dresden, Schönberger was a professor at the Berlin School of Economics and Law and a senior researcher at the University of Bremen. He has held visiting professorships at the University of Rennes 1, RWTH Aachen, the University of Vienna and the Copenhagen Business School.

Schönberger's teaching activities include programs at Bachelor, Master and Diploma level in various institutions, including the Technical University of Berlin and the European Business School. His teaching focuses on the interface between engineering and business administration.

Schönberger's research focuses primarily on model-based optimization and control of complex systems using methods from mathematics, operations research, artificial intelligence and business informatics. His research is applied in areas such as traffic, transportation, logistics, production and the planning of sporting events.

Schönberger has written two monographs and several textbooks and publishes regularly in specialist journals and at conferences. He also acts as a reviewer for scientific journals and the German Research Foundation.

We would like to congratulate Jörn Schönberger on his 25th anniversary and wish him continued success in his academic career.


Prof. Dr. Georg Hirte - Chair of Economics, in particular Transport Policy and Spatial Economics

Originally from Bamberg, Prof. Dr. Georg Hirte began his academic career at the University of Regensburg, which he left in 1987 with a diploma in economics. He then worked as a research assistant at the University of Hohenheim and later at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, where he also obtained his doctorate in 1995. As a Ph.D. in economics, he worked as a lecturer in Ingolstadt until 2001 and completed his thesis on “Pension policy in an ageing society”. His further career took him to Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, where he held the Chair of Economics, in particular Distribution and Social Policy, for one year.

Georg Hirte joined TU Dresden in 2002, initially as a substitute professor. Since 2003, he has held the current Chair of Economics, in particular Transport Policy and Spatial Economics, is Head of the Institute of Economics and Transport at TU Dresden and has also been Vice Dean of the “Friedrich List” Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. At his chair, he offers courses for Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in the disciplines of transportation and economics. He also supervises doctoral theses and is the contact person for various research projects at the chair.

Georg Hirte's research interests include urban and transport economics as well as transport policy. He is the (co-)author of numerous publications and discussion papers and has conducted several studies on behalf of communes or initiatives. He has also published two monographs.

In addition to his research and teaching activities at the TU Dresden, Georg Hirte is also editor-in-chief of the Review of Regional Research (Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaften JFRE), a member of the regional Science Committee of the German Economic Association and a reviewer for publications in a number of economic and economic policy journals.

We would like to congratulate Georg Hirte on his 25th anniversary and wish him all the best for the future.


Prof. Dr. Karl Nachtigall - Chair of Traffic Flow Science

From 1978 to 1985, Prof. Nachtigall studied mathematics with a minor in physics at the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University of Hanover. As a graduate engineer, Prof. Nachtigall then began a scientific career at the University of Hildesheim. During this time, he completed his doctorate in mathematics at the University of Hanover. In 1995, he moved from Hildesheim to Braunschweig to work at the German Aerospace Center. During this time, he completed his habilitation in 1999 at the Department of Transportation Fluid Dynamics at the University of Hildesheim. In 2000, he was appointed to the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, where he holds the Chair of Traffic Flow Science.

In his research activities, Prof. Nachtigall deals with the mathematical analysis and optimization of timetable and route planning as well as flight planning and Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM). In cooperation with various transport associations, airport operating companies and airlines, he has already led numerous research projects, for example on the integration of freight traffic into timed scheduling, customer-optimized route planning or pre-timed traffic flow management at airports.

Prof. Nachtigall is head of the "Systems Engineering" specialization of the Transport Engineering course. His teaching activities include statistics, numerics, modelling and optimization as well as advanced transport system theory for land and air transport, the use of rail vehicles and current aspects of optimizing transport and logistics processes.

We would like to congratulate Professor Nachtigall on his 40th anniversary and wish him continued success in his academic career.


Tim Diehl/ Melina Herrmann/ Red. bearb.

Service anniversary

State employees covered by collective agreements receive an anniversary bonus and an anniversary certificate on completion of 25 and 40 years of employment or service.

Prof. Jörn Schönberger

© Michael Kretzschmar

Chair of Transport Management and Logistics

Visiting address:
Falkenbrunnen FAL, Room 019
Würzburger Straße 35
01187 Dresden

Phone: +49 351 463-36815

Prof. Dr. Georg Hirte

Portrait of Prof. Dr. Georg Hirte
© Michael Kretzschmar

Chair of Economics, in particular Transport Policy and Spatial Economics

Visiting address:
FalkenbrunnenFAL, Room 016
Würzburger Str. 35
01187 Dresden

Phone: +49 351 463-36805

Prof. Karl Nachtigall

© Professur für Verkehrsströmungslehre

Chair of Traffic Flow Science

Visiting address:
Potthoff-Bau, room POT 104 (secretary's office)
Hettnerstraße 1
01069 Dresden

Phone: +49 351 463-36515