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Kick-off for Interreg project Bohemian-Saxon Switzerland National Park
Official project kick-off in Děčín: The Interreg project “Transport services of the Bohemian-Saxon Switzerland National Park” aims to improve public transport in the national park region. Last week, the project partners came together to define content guidelines for the joint project.

© Anna Sotnikova
Transport and Traffic research at the Science4Peace Slam in the Dresden Frauenkirche
"How to understand traffic when there is war?" - Dr. Anna Sotnikova from the Chair of Transport Modeling and Simulation presented her research last friday at the Science4Peace Slam in the Frauenkirche Dresden. The event is a cooperation project between UNU-FLORES and the Technische…

© Adobe Stock | phonlamaiphoto
Road freight transport of the future: E-truck technology
The “enERSyn” project at the Chair of Electric Railways is analyzing drive technologies for climate-friendly road freight transport. Researchers in the joint project believe that stationary charged battery vehicles offer the greatest potential for a drive turnaround in truck traffic, while…

© Maurice Krauth
INFORMS prize for innovation research in rail operations
Several publications took the top places in the Railway Applications Section (RAS) in the “Student Paper Competition” and “Problem Solving Competition” categories. The winners were honored at the annual conference of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)…

© archive M. Cencetti
Fascinated by flying: As a transportation engineer at NASA
Kevin-Christian Garzon Galindo studied transportation engineering at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. Today, the graduate engineer works at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) on the future of aerospace. He reports on his career in the current alumni magazine.

© Frauenförderwerk e.V.
Girls' Day Academy in Transport and Traffic Sciences
Every year, the Girl's Day Academy invites young female STEM talents to experience science in a very practical way and find out about studying. The participants were able to get to know transport and traffic sciences in two workshops.

© Amac Garbe
Interview with Dr. Beate Lux, Head of the Railway Operation Laboratory
In the interview series “At work with ...”, TU Dresden's social media team accompanies employees of TU Dresden or its partner institutions for a day. In this issue, Dr. Beate Lux gives insights into her everyday work in the Railway Operations Laboratory at the Faculty of Transport and…

© Ralph Buehler
Interview with Dresden Senior Fellow Professor Ralph Buehler
Ralph Buehler is Professor of Urban Affairs and Planning at the School of Public and International Affairs at the Virginia Tech Research Center in Arlington County, Virginia, USA. His research focuses on mobility in international comparison. His research interests include active mobility, i.e.…

© Adobe Stock | jrmedien_de
Innovation and sustainability in aviation: 3rd GAPS conference in Dresden
From 26 to 27 November 2024, the 3rd GAPS (General Aviation Propulsion Systems) Conference took place in Dresden, organized by the Chair of Combustion Engineering and Drive Technology.

© TU Dresden | Eisenbahnbetriebslabor
InnoTrans 2024: Rail professorships present current research and study programmes
The Professorships of Electric Railways, Railway Track Engineering, Railway Signalling and Transport Safety Technology and Railway Operations as well as the Railway Operation Laboratory presented current research projects and courses offered by the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences at…
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Findings for you on the web
Autonomer Bus soll von Klitten zum Bärwalder See fahren
Der Videobeitrag stellt das Forschungsprojekt "WALEMObase" der Professur für Fahrzeugmechatronik vor.
Hyperloop: Mobilität der Zukunft oder Rohrkrepierer?
Prof. Arnd Stephan im WDR-Hörfunk-Feature zur Zukunftsvision des Hochgeschwindigkeitsverkehrssystems Hyperloop
Why Germany is not (yet) introducing the car toll
An MDR-AKTUELL user asked the question: Why is the rejected car toll not being reintroduced in Germany? The channel interviewed Prof Georg Hirte, a transport scientist specialising in transport economics at the TUD, among others.
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Electrical Transportation Systems (Master)
Studying electromobility - shaping the transport revolution. Staff from the Chair of Electric Railways provide insights into the Master's degree course in "Electrical Transportation Systems".
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How do you imagine transport and traffic of the future?
The current edition of the TUD video format "Sitzgelegenheit" asks transport students about their degree programmes and what appeals to them about mobility.
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