© Max Lautenschläger | Deutsche Bahn AG
ETCS in Germany
Prof. Jochen Trinkauf, Dr. Ulrich Maschek and Dr. Richard Kahl publish the second edition of their work on the European Train Control System ETCS and present it at InnoTrans 2024 in Berlin.
© Yves Sucksdorff
Sustainable mobility planning in urban areas
Scientists from the Chairs of Transport Ecology and Mobility System Planning took part in the 6th NaKoMo annual conference of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs (BMDV) with the FoPS research project “Indicators of sustainable urban mobility”.
© Rail.S e.V.
Railroad innovations "Made in Saxony"
The SET4FUTURE Innovation Award recognizes innovative products and technologies in the field of rail operations. Dr. Michael Krieg, Managing Director of the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport Sciences, was on the jury this year and gained an insight into the projects presented.
© Andrea Surma
Scientists from Sri Lanka visit the Chair of Mobility System Planning
Dr. Chethika Abenayake and Dr. Amila Jayasinghe research and teach at the Department of Town and Country Planning at the University of Moratuwa in Sri Lanka. In June, they completed a guest stay at the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences as part of the LBS2ITS…
© Ulrich Maschek | VST
Students of Transport and Traffic Sciences on a study trip to China
Students of transport sciences and employees of the professorships for traffic safety engineering and railway infrastructure are currently getting to know the Chinese railroad sector in depth as part of an excursion to China.
© Sachsenmetall, Daniel Viol
Award for student research on e-fuel methanol
Florian Gutzeit receives the Johann Andreas Schubert Prize 2024 for his diploma thesis on “Cold start and cold running tests on methanol-powered gasoline engines” at the Chair of Combustion Engineering and Drive Technology.
Transport economics student Tom Liebscher-Lucz wins Olympic gold in the kayak four
Dresden sports scholarship holder wins the gold medal in the four-man kayak over 500 metres at the Olympic Games in Paris.
© Andrea Surma
"We have the Opportunity to Reduce Maintenance Costs while Improving the Network´s Safety"
Dr. Binbin Liu is taking part in the Senior Fellowship Program offered by TU Dresden. In six months, divided into two blocks, he is working on a research project at the Chair of Rail Vehicle Technology. We asked him about his experiences during his first stay at TUD between January and March 2024.
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Findings for you on the web
Hyperloop: Mobilität der Zukunft oder Rohrkrepierer?
Prof. Arnd Stephan im WDR-Hörfunk-Feature zur Zukunftsvision des Hochgeschwindigkeitsverkehrssystems Hyperloop
Why Germany is not (yet) introducing the car toll
An MDR-AKTUELL user asked the question: Why is the rejected car toll not being reintroduced in Germany? The channel interviewed Prof Georg Hirte, a transport scientist specialising in transport economics at the TUD, among others.
70 years of crosswalks - How the story went
The history of the zebra crossing in Germany and some curiosities about it have been reviewed by ZDF in a report (from minute 09:50). The Dresden transport and traffic scientist Prof. Reinhard Koettnitz was also interviewed (from minute 17:05).
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Electrical Transportation Systems (Master)
Studying electromobility - shaping the transport revolution. Staff from the Chair of Electric Railways provide insights into the Master's degree course in "Electrical Transportation Systems".
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How do you imagine transport and traffic of the future?
The current edition of the TUD video format "Sitzgelegenheit" asks transport students about their degree programmes and what appeals to them about mobility.
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