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Current calls for science prizes
Apply now: In 2022, young researchers will again have the opportunity to apply for various science prizes with their scientific work.
Alfried Krupp Sponsorship Award
The Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation is once again inviting applications for the Alfried Krupp Fellowship Award, worth €1 million, for 2022. Nominations are open to young professors in the natural and engineering sciences, including medicine, with outstanding scientific qualifications and excellent research achievements, whose ability to conduct research and teaching has been confirmed by their first appointment to a permanent or temporary professorship (W2 or W3 professorship) at a German university. Individuals, research institutions and universities are eligible to submit proposals. Self-applications are excluded. In principle, only one candidate per university should be nominated.
Deadline for submission to the Rector's Office of TU Dresden: February 1, 2022 via Office of the Rector/Board Support, Mandy Dziubanek, e-mail mandy.dziubanek@tu-dresden.de
For more information, visit: www.krupp-stiftung.de/alfried-krupp-foerderpreis
GI Dissertation Award
Together with the Swiss Informatics Society (SI) and the Austrian Computer Society (OCG), the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) annually awards a prize for an outstanding dissertation. The dissertation must be in the field of computer science. This includes not only work that represents an advance in computer science, but also work from applications of computer science in other disciplines and work that examines the interactions between computer science and society. The dissertation prize is endowed with 5,000 EURO. Each university entitled to propose a dissertation may propose one dissertation for the prize.
Deadline for submission to the Rector's Office of TU Dresden: February 1, 2022 via Office of the Rector/Board Support, Mandy Dziubanek, email mandy.dziubanek@tu-dresden.de
Further information: https://gi.de/dissertationspreis
Bertha Benz Prize 2022
Young female engineers who have created added value for society with the results of their dissertations can be nominated by their scientific institutions as winners of the Bertha Benz Prize. The prize, which is endowed with 10,000 euros, is awarded annually and honors - in reference to Bertha Benz - pioneering spirit, courage and visionary character.
Further information: https://www.daimler-benz-stiftung.de/cms/de/foerdern/bertha-benz-preis2/ausschreibung.html
KlarText Prize for Science Communication 2022
"What did you actually do there in your doctoral thesis?" If you can answer this question in a descriptive text that is interesting for laypersons, you should apply for the KlarText Prize. The KlarText Prize for Science Communication is awarded annually by the Klaus Tschira Foundation in the following disciplines announced: Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Computer Science, Mathematics, Neuroscience and Physics. The winners each receive 7,500 euros and admission to the Foundation's alumni network. In addition, their contributions will be edited together with science journalists and published in a magazine. All applicants can take part in a two-day workshop on science communication free of charge. The team of experts from the National Institute for Science Communication will show how professional communication works.
Conditions for participation: a doctorate completed in 2020 or 2021 and rated very highly, a self-authored, generally understandable article about the applicant's own research.
Self-applications must be submitted by February 28, 2022.
Further information: www.klartext-preis.de
German Study Award of the Körber Foundation 2022
The competition for the Körber Foundation's German Study Award is aimed at young scientists from all disciplines who have submitted an excellent dissertation of particular social significance in 2021. The prize is awarded to young scientists who confidently represent the social value of their research and contribute it to the public debate. Three prizes of 25,000 euros each will be awarded.
Applications must be submitted online by March 1, 2022.
Further information: https://www.koerber-stiftung.de/en/german-thesis-award
Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Prize 2022
The Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Prize is jointly awarded by the Donors' Association in the category "Science and Society" and the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina - National Academy of Sciences. The prize honors scientists or research teams who have made a contribution to the scientific treatment of socially important problem areas. The prize money includes 50,000 euros from funds of the Donors' Association.
Nominations can be made in German or English. The rectorate of TU Dresden, among others, is entitled to make nominations. Deadline for submission is Friday, March 11, 2022, to the Rectorate via Office of the Rector/Committee Support, Mandy Dziubanek, e-mail mandy.dziubanek@tu-dresden.de
Further information: Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Prize
IQ Innovation Award Middle Germany
With the IQ Innovation Award Central Germany, the Central German Metropolitan Region promotes novel, marketable products, processes and services to increase innovation and competitiveness in Central Germany. The competition rewards marketable innovations in the following clusters: automotive, chemicals/plastics, energy/environment/solar industry, information technology and life sciences. A total of more than 60,000 euros in prize money is awarded as part of the competition. Cluster winners receive prize money of 7,500 euros as well as extensive PR, marketing and consulting services. Prizes are awarded for marketable products, processes and services that have been on the market for less than two years. Potentially disruptive early-stage projects can also be submitted and are given equal consideration in the evaluation process. IQ is primarily aimed at young entrepreneurs (start-ups), founders, students and scientists. In principle, anyone with an appropriate application item can apply.
Applications are possible online until Monday, March 14, 2022.
Further information: https://iq-mitteldeutschland.de/der-wettbewerb/