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New appointment for the professorship for Railways
His planned research focus at the TU Dresden: digitization of railroads.
Since April 1, 2024, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Duo Liu has taken over as head of the Chair of Railways, formerly known as the Chair of Railway System Design. This renaming reflects the changed focus on the core topics of superstructure and track technology.
Prof. Liu completed his doctorate at the Chair and Testing Office for Traffic Route Construction at the Technical University of Munich, where he worked intensively on the interaction between railroad vehicles and tracks. After his doctorate, he worked for eight years at Vossloh, a global leader in railroad infrastructure, and Konux GmbH, a pioneering company in AI/IoT applications for railroad switches.
In his research, Prof. Liu focuses on the digitalization of railroads through the use of digital twins as well as the application and further development of big data management in various engineering fields of superstructure and track technology.
The Chair of Rail Track Engineering will continue to include the specialist areas of "Superstructure and Track Engineering", "Planning and Design of Railway Systems" and the Railway Construction Laboratory.
We wish Prof. Duo Liu every success in his new role and look forward to future collaboration in research and teaching.
Contact information Prof. Dr.-Ing. Duo Liu
Visiting address:
Gerhart Potthoff Building
Hettnerstraße 3
01069 Dresden
Phone +49 351 463-36559