On October 22, the Chair of Combustion Engines and Power Train Systems welcomed employees from the Landesdirektion Sachsen.

The Landesdirektion Sachsen - Corona Compensation Department - visited the Chair of Combustion Engines and Power Train Systems at Dresden University of Technology to find out about the latest research results and technologies in the field of engine development and sustainable driving solutions.
In addition to a tour of the professorship's laboratories and test benches, the visit focused on intensive discussions with scientists. Current research projects on low-emission combustion engines, alternative fuels and hybrid and electric drives were presented. The Landesdirektion showed great interest in the innovative approaches and emphasized the importance of research for technological development and sustainable mobility in the Freistaat Sachsen. The research results are not only used in the automotive industry, but also make an important contribution to the goals of the energy transition and climate protection.
“We are impressed by the very extensive infrastructure and the innovative approaches of the chair and see great potential for the future,” said the organizer of the visit.


Chair of Combustion Engines and Power Train Systems/ Red. bearb.


Chair of Combustion Engines and Power Train Systems

Tel.: +49-351-463 37618
E-Mail: frank.atzler@tu-dresden.de