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aculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences joins "EIT Urban Mobility" (EITUM) of Europe's largest innovation network.
Great success for the TU Dresden (TUD) and its Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences "Friedrich List". TUD is the newest member or network partner in the exclusive circle of about 40 European "Affiliate Partners" in the knowledge and innovation community "Urban Mobility" within the largest European innovation network EIT.
The three letters stand for "European Institute of Innovation and Technology". Since 2010, the European Union has been using it to promote and strengthen cooperation between the most efficient institutes, universities and industrial research centers in Europe. The EIT clusters its work in 8 Knowledge and Innovation Communities on current global topics such as InnoEnergy, Climate, Digital, Health, Raw Materials, Food and Manufacturing – and since 2019 also Urban Mobility.
Admission as milestone for development of the faculty
"The acceptance of the TU Dresden as an Affiliate Partner in the EIT Urban Mobility is a significant milestone for the TU Dresden and for our Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. This brings TU Dresden and the faculty a big and important step forward, especially in the development of the potential area 'Automated and Connected Mobility'", said Prof. Angela Rösen-Wolff, Vice-Rector Research of TU Dresden, pleased about the success. For the faculty, the acceptance into the EITUM also means an enormous increase in visibility at the European level: "This gives us access to the EITUM innovation ecosystem and allows us to exchange ideas with experienced and research-strong partners within different formats and to get involved in European mobility research projects," said Prof. Regine Gerike, Vice Dean Research of the Faculty of Transportation and Traffic Sciences.
EIT Urban Mobility – central coordination in Barcelona
The EIT Urban Mobility consists of 48 core partners from 15 countries, including for Germany: BMW Group, Siemens, Volkswagen, Fraunhofer and the cities of Hamburg and Munich. In addition, there are almost 40 "Affiliate Partners" to the core team, including now the TU Dresden. The central coordination of the EITUM is located in Barcelona / Spain, with further regional hubs in Copenhagen / Denmark, Helmond / Belgium, Munich / Germany and Prague / Czech Republic. The TU Dresden is assigned to the hub in Prague.
"People's awareness and thus demand for greener, more inclusive, safer and smarter urban mobility systems is increasing all the time. Mobility of the future needs systemic solutions. We, the Faculty of Transportation and Traffic Sciences "Friedrich List" at TU Dresden, have mastered this because we combine the essential individual disciplines with a high level of competence under one roof," said Prof. Regine Gerike. "Mobility today and tomorrow can only be thought of as global. That's why networks like the EIT are extremely important for us."
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
The EIT aims to strengthen Europe's innovative capacity. This is to be achieved by bringing together the knowledge triangle of companies (business), R&D institutions (research) and educational institutions (education). To this end, independent Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) are being set up as cross-border partnerships between leading universities, research laboratories and companies. Each KIC has its own legal form (company, association). The aim of the work is to cover the entire innovation chain from development to founding start-ups: training and education programs for future founders, support from research to market launch, innovation projects, incubators and accelerators, etc. The budget of the EIT for the years 2014 to 2020 amounted to 2.7 billion euros.
The acceptance of the TU Dresden as an Affiliate Partner in the EIT Urban Mobility is a significant milestone for the TU Dresden and for our "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences.
The EIT budget for 2021 to 2027:
Billion euros