Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Michler, holder of the Chair of Transport Systems Information Technology, receives his certificate on his 25th anniversary of service at TU Dresden.

Oliver Michler grew up in Dresden, where he attended polytechnic secondary school and completed his school career in 1986 with a high school diploma including vocational training as an electronics technician. He then went on to study electrical engineering at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at TU Dresden, where he was awarded a degree in engineering in 1993 and a doctorate in 1999. As part of his doctorate, Oliver Michler conducted research in the field of sensitivity and robustness analysis of linear systems and his dissertation dealt with the analysis of indeterminacies in linear control systems.

At the same time, he initially worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Control Theory and later as a research and development engineer at Video-Audio-Design GmbH in Dresden, where he worked in the field of sensor technology and measurement data acquisition in mobile vehicle operation. In 2000, Oliver Michler joined the Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems in the department for intermodal traffic information and management systems. In 2005, his career took him back to university. Until 2008, he was Professor of Signal Processing and Electronic Measurement Technology at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Dresden University of Applied Sciences (HTW).

Since 2008, and thus for more than 25 years now, Oliver Michler has been working as a professor at the “Friedrich List” Faculty of Transportation Sciences and holds the Chair of Transport Systems Information Technology. Here he supervises a large number of research projects and was also head of department of the TU research group at the Fraunhofer Institute in the field of positioning, information and communication. He is still a member of the advisory board of the MRK AG competence center, where he contributes to the development of a knowledge transfer company.

We would like to congratulate Professor Michler on his 25th anniversary and wish him continued success in his academic career.


Tim Diehl / Red. bearb.


State employees covered by collective agreements receive an anniversary bonus and an anniversary certificate on completion of 25 and 40 years of employment or service.