Lisa Iden was awarded the badge of honour for her work and commitment in the areas of inclusion and accessibility at TU Dresden.

Lisa Iden is studying maths and transport engineering at TU Dresden. Lisa has been a member of StuRa Dresden since 2018 and is involved in the Conference of Saxon Student Bodies (KSS) and the Free Association of Student Bodies (fzs), both at state and national level, to promote better accessibility at universities. She has now been awarded the badge of honour, one of TU Dresden's highest distinctions, for this special service.
Lisa initially studied mathematics. Since the winter semester 2023/24, she has also been studying for a degree in transport engineering at the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. "I like travelling by train a lot, which is why at some point everyone in the StuRa thought I was studying transport. At some point I thought to myself that I would just enrol. Now it's so much fun that I'm definitely going to finish it."

In addition to her studies and her work in the StuRa, Lisa is also a member of the Inclusion Advisory Board of TU Dresden, which advises the Senate on the use of funds at the university. "However, I mainly received the badge of honour for my work in the StuRa, combined with my activities in the KSS and the fzs," Lisa tells us. Together with members of other student bodies, she founded the Inclusion Working Group, which focuses on drawing attention to shortcomings in the area of accessibility and inclusion work and making suggestions for improvement. "I always find that particularly appealing, as you always have a different effect as a group when it comes to giving constructive feedback to politicians," adds Lisa. She recently had the opportunity to get involved in the Saxon Inclusion Advisory Board following a meeting with the Saxon Inclusion Commissioner Michael Welsch. "IFrom the fzs, I have another meeting coming up with Mr Jürgen Dusel, the Federal Commissioner for the Disabled, to talk to him about inclusion at universities".

Could the award of the badge of honour perhaps be an opportunity to change awareness of the issue? "Outside the university, it's hard for me to judge. Inside the university, most people who regularly come into contact with this topic probably already knew me. In any case, there is still a lot to be done and perhaps it has helped to draw attention to this issue and raise awareness."
We would like to thank Lisa Iden for her exceptional commitment and hard work and wish her continued success.

What is the TU Dresden badge of honour?

© TU Dresden

The TU Dresden badge of honour is awarded to members of the university who stand out due to their individual achievements and exceptional merits. Whether in teaching, research, studies or administration - creative ideas and special commitment are fundamental to the success of TU Dresden and characterise its image in a lasting way. The badge of honour recognises interventions and achievements that take place both in public and in the background and contribute to the further development of TU Dresden.

Proposals for this award can be submitted until 31 December each year.


Tim Diehl/ Red. bearb.

Conference of Saxon Student Bodies

The KSS is an association of all student councils at Saxon universities and thus represents 105,000 students from all 14 stately universities in Saxony. It campaigns for the interests of students across all universities and is a negotiating partner for the Saxon state government and state-wide associations.

Free association of student organisations

The fzs e.V. is the umbrella organisation for student representatives in Germany and represents around one million students with its approximately 90 members. The FZS represents social, cultural, economic and political interests nationwide vis-à-vis universities, politicians and the public and endeavours to include higher education policy issues in discussions and decision-making processes.


© Lisa Iden

Lisa Iden
