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Chair of Transport Ecology I Saxon State Capital Dresden
City cycling campaign starts in Dresden on September 3: Transport and traffic scientists at TU Dresden prepare cycling data for municipalities in the MoveOn project.
Numerous municipalities in Germany have already done it, Dresden will do it starting next Sunday: The nationwide STADTRADELN (CITY CYCLING) competition starts on September 3 in the Saxon state capital. For 21 days, until September 23, citizens are once again called upon to leave their cars behind for three weeks and cover as many distances as possible by bicycle. The aim of the campaign, which has been running since 2008, is to collect bike kilometers together, save CO2 and thus do something for a good climate and climate protection.
Anyone can register to cycle together and also against other municipalities as well as in teams within a city against each other. Currently, 3,336 cyclists in 367 teams have registered for Dresden (see: https://www.stadtradeln.de/en/dresden). An open team of the TU Dresden (TUD) with currently 121 cyclists is also at the start again.
Project MoveOn: Processed cycling data for 2,500 municipalities - already 400 active user municipalities
Among the TUD cyclists are also transport and traffic researchers from the TU Dresden. They are also very interested in the STADTRADELN campaign for another reason: Scientists from the "Active Mobility Research Group" at TU Dresden's Chair of Transport Ecology have been using the cycling data generated by smartphones in various research projects since 2017, with which they are advancing cycling research and cycling planning in Germany. The anonymized scientific analysis of the data addresses important traffic planning questions such as: Where are how many cyclists on the road and when? Where does the traffic flow come to a standstill? Where are waiting times at traffic lights disproportionately long?
The MoveOn project is currently running until the end of 2024. Together with partners Klima-Bündnis e. V. and Flow.d GmbH (a spin-off of the Faculty of Computer Science at the TUD), cycling data from the STADTRADELN competition is being processed and made available to municipalities for planning purposes. Since December 1, 2022, comprehensive digital cycling data has been available, mostly free of charge, for 2,500 municipalities in the portal "Radverkehr in Deutschland" (Cycling in Germany) - RiDE for short. Of these, 400 municipalities are currently already using the RiDE platform for individual cycling analysis and the most needs-based expansion of cycling infrastructure possible. This means that every participation in STADTRADELN is at the same time an active contribution to better cycling in one's own city. So let's go! Register, start the recording in the app and start cycling - for climate, science and urban planning in Dresden.
The MoveOn project has a volume of approx. 2.5 million euros and is funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) with 2.3 million euros as part of the National Cycling Plan 3.0.
Further information:
- More about the MoveOn project at the TU Dresden
- Project STADTRADELN - How can I participate?
How do I take part in the STADTRADELN competition?
With the free STADTRADELN app, participants can easily track their cycled routes via GPS and directly credit their team and their municipality. Registration is possible at any time during the competition period (September 3 - 23).
Contact at TU Dresden
Dr.-Ing. Sven Lißner
Project Coordination
Chair of Transport Ecology
"Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences at TU Dresden
Mail: sven.lissner@tu-dresden.de