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Chair of Automobile Engineering
Finally married and immediately divorced again: The main components of the innovation project were briefly put together before it went to Dresden for the dome and mock-up.
Together with external partners, TU Dresden is developing a globally unique, highly-immersive driving simulator for scenario-based testing of automated driving functions and for optimal human-machine interaction (see report from 12.10.21). Recently, an important milestone was reached in the project: the main components of the system – motion platform, hexapod, projection dome and cockpit mockup - which were manufactured by different project partners, were located together for the first time in one place, namely at the project partner AMST Systemtechnik GmbH in Ranshofen/Austria. Shortly after the "wedding", however, they were separated again: the projection dome and cockpit mockup were packed (dimensions of the box: 4.18 m wide, 4.33 m high) and transported by special transport to the TU Dresden in Saxony.

For the first time, driver can take a seat in the driving simulator.
While still in Austria, the cockpit mock-up, a Taycan model provided by Porsche AG, was brought into the Dome and put into full operation. Project members from the TU Dresden, Chair of Automobile Engineering at the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, were also on site: "This is the first time it is possible to take a seat as a driver in the driving simulator," explained Dr.-Ing. Thomas Tüschen, project manager as well as research associate at the Chair of Automobile Engineering. The commissioning of the hexapod and the intermediate platform was also successfully completed. Then came the long-awaited bringing together ("marriage") of all the main components, the simulator was completely assembled for the first time. "After a good two years of project work, this was a long-awaited and impressive moment for all of us," says Thomas Tüschen.
Dome with mock-up comes to Dresden – motion platform still remains in Austria
Afterwards, the system was disassembled again and the dome including the mock-up was delivered to the TU Dresden. Here, the simulator will initially be used as a static system on a reduced scale. The researchers at the TU Dresden around Prof. Günther Prokop (Head of the Chair of Automobile Engineering) and Dr. Thomas Tüschen will work on the visual display system and the integration of the model. In parallel, the AMST will complete the final work on the motion platform and the control station. The "remarriage" of the dome and motion platform is targeted for the 3rd quarter of this year at the TU Dresden. This will be followed by the commissioning of the entire system.
Driving simulator the subject of LZS GmbH's Youtube livestream
The highly immersive driving simulator was also the subject of the Youtube livestream "LZS at a glance" – a series of expert talks by Leichtbau-Zentrum Sachsen GmbH (LZS GmbH) at the end of April. LZS is the dome's supplier for the driving simulator. In the announcement for the livestream, LZS said: "... the concept of a self-driving, tyre-based driving simulator (requires) quite a lot of lightweight construction. And that's where we came in... As so often with such developments, the devil is in the detail and one challenge follows the next." What these were, how technically and economically sensible solutions were found for them and why the simulator dome makes an important contribution to the success of the project, is what LZS spoke about live with representatives of the project team: Dr.-Ing. Thomas Tüschen (Project Manager TU Dresden), Herbert Pinwinkler (Project Manager AMST Systemtechnik GmbH) and Patrick Pletz (Department Manager AMST Mechatronics).
LZS at a glance - Supporting the mobility transition with fibre composites (only in German)
Facts project
PROJECT VOLUME: just under 12 million euros, of which 7 million euros in funding from the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI)
- Dimensions: 5x5x5 metres
- Movement area of 70x70 metres with a moving mass of approx. 4,500 kg
- Acceleration of 10 m/s² (comparable to full braking)
- 10 degrees of freedom of movement
- Highly variable, freely controllable vehicle mock-up
- 220° projection screen
- Transportable, mobile system
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Tüschen
Research Associate, Chair of Automobile Engineering
"Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, TU Dresden
Mail: thomas.tueschen@tu-dresden.de
After a good two years of project work, this was a long-awaited and impressive moment for all of us.