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Mobility and climate protection
Aviation and transport expert Prof. Hartmut Fricke from TU Dresden discusses sustainable aviation as well as trends and initiatives on panel.
"Up for Discussion!" was the motto of a webinar on sustainable aviation at the end of May 2021. Around 400 people took part. Also "sitting" on the digital panel was Prof. Hartmut Fricke, Head of the Chair of Air Transport Technology and Logistics at the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences at TU Dresden.
The announcement for the webinar said: While the pandemic has shifted the discussion to survival and finding new potential sources of revenue, sustainability remains an important topic for the future of the aviation industry.
The panel discussion therefore revolved around questions such as:
- What is sustainable aviation all about?
- Current trends and initiatives
- The importance of innovations and new technologies
- New goals and competing goals
- The road to sustainability
The webinar was organised by Transoft Solutions, a company founded in 1991 and now a leading global producer of advanced and highly specialised software solutions for aviation, civil infrastructure, transport and operations professionals.
The webinar was recorded. Transoft Solutions will make the video available to interested parties free of charge after registration.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil Hartmut Fricke
Head of the Chair of Air Transport Technology and Logistics
at "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Dresden University of Technology
mail: hartmut.fricke@tu-dresden.de