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The "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences of TU Dresden is deeply shocked and affected by Russia's attack on Ukraine and the war events of the past days. We condemn this attack in the strongest possible terms.
At our faculty, too, people whose country of birth and home is Ukraine are researching, working and studying. Together with them, we are very concerned about their relatives and friends. Our thoughts and solidarity are with them and with the entire Ukrainian population affected by the war. We declare our solidarity with the citizens of Ukraine and stand up for peaceful coexistence and for the freedom of science, research and teaching.
Support offered by the TU Dresden
The TU Dresden (TUD) is working hard to enable its Ukrainian students and academics to continue their studies and research in Dresden. Through the "we-care" contact point and the International Office, the TU Dresden offers support in visa matters and support during their studies. In addition, the TUD is involved in the Scholars at Risk network to enable at-risk academics to stay at the TU Dresden.
For affected students who need psychological support, the psychosocial counselling centre of the Studentenwerk is a helpful contact point.
The Faculty Board
Philipp Schwartz Initiative: Extension of deadline for nominating Ukrainian researchers
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is giving universities and research institutions in Germany the opportunity to submit well-founded applications (for research fellowships or employment contracts) for Ukrainian researchers who are acutely at risk until 18 March, even in the context of the current selection round of the Philipp Schwartz Initiative.
The requirement for proof of vulnerability from a third party is waived. The individual risk situation must be presented by the nominated person in German or English in the form of a personal statement of up to one page.
Nominations for Ukrainian researchers can also be added to applications already submitted. The following must be submitted for this purpose: Covering sheet (Annex 3a), individual nomination (Annex 3c) with attachments, financing plan (Annex 3e).
Programme information under: https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/bewerben/foerderprogramme/philipp-schwartz-initiative#h6388
Contact Philipp Schwartz Initiative via mail: schwartz-initiative@avh.de
Faculty Student Council provides support in finding accommodation
The Faculty Student Council of the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences supports the short-term arrangement of accommodation for affected relatives of students, lecturers and other staff members of the faculty, in order to keep the families safe. Contact by mail: fsrverkehr@tu-dresden.de
Faculty staff members who would like to provide accommodation for refugee relatives of faculty members or who know of free capacities (e.g. vacant flats and rooms during the lecture-free period), please also contact by mail: fsrverkehr@tu-dresden.de.
Please state in the mail:
- Size of accommodation (number of beds)
- Contact details (preferably by telephone for quick contact)
- Period of time during which the flat/room can be made available