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"Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Dresden transport logistics expert shaped teaching and research at the former Hochschule für Verkehrswesen "Friedrich List" (HfV).
The "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences remembers Prof. Dr.-Ing habil. Horst Krampe, who passed away in Dresden on 17 June 2022 at the age of 87. He was a formative personality for the former Hochschule für Verkehrswesen "Friedrich List" (HfV, University of Applied Sciences for Transport) and remained closely and interestedly connected to the faculty as the successor institution of the HfV until his end.
Throughout his career as a scientist, university lecturer, consultant and manager, Horst Krampe rendered outstanding services to the further development of transport technology and logistics. He is considered one of the pioneers of logistics education in East Germany.
At the former Hochschule für Verkehrswesen "Friedrich List", he was instrumental in establishing a university course in Transport Engineering that was unique in Germany for many years. He also built up the Transport Logistics Department at the HfV, founded the Transport Technology Section and took over the management of the Technical Transport Cybernetics Section (later Transport Technology Section and Institute for Material Flow and Logistics).

Horst Krampe's entire academic life was closely linked to the Hochschule für Verkehrswesen "Friedrich List" in Dresden. After graduating from high school, he studied at the HfV. After graduating, he gained experience in the practice of factory transport and then returned to the HfV as an assistant researcher, where he received his doctorate in 1964. Further years in industrial practice followed. In 1971 Horst Krampe was appointed lecturer for industrial transport at the HfV. He achieved great recognition in teaching and research as well as in the establishment of an Institute for industrial Transport and handling. In 1973 followed his habilitation and in 1977 his appointment as Professor for Intra-company Transport and Warehousing.
In his 20 years as a university lecturer, he supervised 75 doctoral students and countless diploma theses. He has passed on his extensive expertise to more than 1,000 graduates of the transport engineering course. Many of these graduates have held responsible positions in transport and logistics companies for many years. In teaching and research, he represented a broad spectrum of topics on which he lectured. The spectrum ranged from the basics of transport, transshipment and storage to material flow and logistics to special areas such as connecting railways or the modelling and simulation of logistical processes.
From 1992 until his retirement in 1998, he was chief consultant at the Competence Centre Logistics of CSC Ploenzke AG in Dresden. He was actively involved in numerous professional bodies, e.g. as a member of the supervisory board of Takraf or, since 1990, as a member of the advisory board of the Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) e. V. (Federal Logistics Association).
Prof. Krampe has published numerous specialist books as editor and author (including Grundlagen der Logistik, Bedienungsmodelle, Transport Umschlag Lagerung, Handbuch für den Eisenbahnbetriebsleiter) and has been appointed to a large number of specialist committees, supervisory boards and editorial advisory boards in the industry.
The memory of Horst Krampe as a committed scientist and supporter will always be held in honour at the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences at TU Dresden. Our sympathy goes out to his grieving relatives.
On behalf of all colleagues and staff of the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther Prokop, Dean
Dresden, June 2022