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New research project
V2X networking to increase traffic safety and optimise multimodal transport and energy supply in Jena.
In the project "5G-based V2X networking to increase traffic safety and optimise multimodal transport and energy supply in Jena", 5G technology is used to achieve improvements in the transport sector, especially for the environmental network.
For this purpose, a backend for data exchange, the data broker, is to be created. This will receive and transmit C-(V)2X data and also information from other data sources in real time. This data basis will enable the functionalities of the informative traffic light system, cooperative traffic light system, driver assistance system and collision avoidance. 5G will be used for data exchange in real time as well as for the precise location of road users. The aim is for all modes of environmental transport to benefit from the applications and, in particular, to increase the safety of vulnerable road users.
The TU Dresden, Chair of Traffic Control and Process Automation, will develop a method for hybrid positioning using GNSS and 5G as part of the "collision warning" subtask. The information obtained from the localisation will be used to predict further movement. It must also be investigated to what extent C-V2X communication, but also LSA switching times, vehicle classes, public transport occupation and for passenger exchange can improve location and collision warning. In a further step, it must be decided whether a collision warning should be generated and sent. For this purpose, a risk assessment is carried out on the basis of the predicted movement vectors. If it is decided to send a collision warning, the communication takes place using the low latencies and high reliability of the data transmission of the 5G network. This ensures that the safety of road users receives the best possible protection.
Research foci at the Chair of Traffic Control and Process Automation
Operational traffic management
Traffic control systems and centres
Coordinated control of traffic control systems
Optimisation of LSA control systems
Evaluation of traffic engineering and traffic telematics measures
Determination of traffic situation from heterogeneous online traffic data
Traffic and emergency management
Networking of traffic management and AVMS systems
Dynamic modelling of traffic in conurbations
Optimal control of traffic processes
Methods and systems for optimal control of railway operations
Optimal control in the area of freight stations
Development of demand-oriented operating programmes for flexible urban railways
Simulation of rapid transit systems
Energy efficiency of railway systems
Driver information and assistance systems