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Copulae are a mathematical tool for modelling and estimating multivariate distributions. A current publication from the Dresden Transport and Traffic Sciences is dedicated to the topic.
In 1959, the renowned American mathematician Abe Sklar (1925 - 2020) introduced the term "copula" to the world. Sklar's seminal paper "Fonctions de répartition à n dimensions et leurs marges" (Publ. Inst. Statist. Univ. Paris, 8: 229-231., 1959, has been one of the most influential papers in statistics for decades. Ostap Okhrin and Joshua Größer from the Chair of Econometrics and Statistics, esp. in the Transport Sector at the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences have dedicated their recent publication “in memoriam” Abe Sklar - the pioneer passed away in 2020.
The recent invited review paper "Copulae: An overview and recent developments" was published in WIRE's Computational Statistics on 3 April 2021. "Copulae have gained popularity over the past decades in various fields of human activity such as statistics, finance, economics, medicine or transportation," says Ostap Okhrin.
The paper of the two Dresden scientists discusses current advances of the copula. The paper runs from the classical approaches of estimation, simulation, and selection of the copula to the application of copula in clustering, blind source separation, Bayesian networks, and AI in general.
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ostap Okhrin
Chair of Econometrics and Statistics, esp. in the Transport Sector
"Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences at TU Dresden