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Institute of Transport Planning and Road Traffic
Research group "Flexible Transport Systems and Complex Urban Dynamics" at the TU Dresden investigates possibilities for future ticket pricing.
The research group Flexible Transport Systems and Complex Urban Dynamics (FTSCUD) at the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences at TU Dresden is conducting an online survey on price sensitivity in cooperation with the University of Göttingen on the introduction of the nationwide 9-Euro-Ticket. The survey is intended to collect data for the investigation of user groups on the one hand and to investigate the possibilities of a future fare structure on the other hand.
Click here for the survey "Price sensitivity of the 9-EURO ticket" by the TU Dresden and the University of Göttingen (only in German).
This survey is intended to take advantage of the unique opportunity to participate in the largest German real experiment in nationwide public transport and to assess the impact of the service on rural and urban areas. To avoid overlaps with other surveys, the focus was placed on willingness to pay and price perception. The results should help to evaluate changes for public transport compared to the status quo and to show possible effects of a changed price/fare design.
The data will be collected anonymously and processed in accordance with the DSGVO. The data collected will be used exclusively for scientific research.
Start date of the survey: 1 June 2022
Jan Christian Schlüter
Group Leader Flexible Transport Systems and Complex Urban Dynamics
"Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, TU Dresden
Mail: jan.schlueter@tu-dresden.de
Arian Kühlert
Visiting Scientist
Mail: arian@schluetergroup.org