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Under the title "Linked to the world - no science without internationality", the new TUD supplement is devoted to exciting topics. The transport and traffic sciences are also represented.
Prof. S. Travis Waller and his team from the Lighthouse Professorship and Chair of Transport Modelling and Simulation talk about their research in the current issue of the special supplement on page 8. They address the global mobility developments of the past decades and the resulting consequences and challenges for the environment and people. According to Waller, these structural developments are reflected above all in increasing digitalisation and automation in the transport sector. Subsequently, for him as a researcher, the main issue is how these changed transport structures can be used by people in the future.
Another article in the special supplement related to transport and traffic sciences is dedicated to the creation of a TUD research campus in Upper Lusatia by 2026 - the "Smart Mobility Lab" (also page 8). Three faculties of the TU Dresden (transport and traffic sciences, computer science and mechanical engineering) are involved here. The forward-looking, interdisciplinary project will conduct research on automated driving and flying and the associated safety aspects.
Editor Jana Mundus spoke with Prof. Günther Prokop, Head of the Chair of Automobile Engineering and spokesperson for the "Smart Mobility Lab" project consortium. Also present was Prof. Meng Wang, Head of the Chair of Traffic Process Automation at the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. He already has concrete plans to use the new TUD research campus in Hoyerswerda: With the help of mini-laboratories for autonomous vehicles and through experiments on the interaction of humans and artificial intelligence, he and his team want to research the consequences of the automation of traffic systems and structures.
The TUD special supplement of 6 October 2022 in the Sächsische Zeitung as PDF download.
About the TUD special supplement
Twice a year, around the start of the semester, the Sächsische Zeitung publishes a special supplement of the TU Dresden. In it, topics of the "University of Excellence in Saxony" are presented to the readers from various perspectives and research foci. The articles make it clear: People are the core of excellent research at TU Dresden – a clear benefit for the region as well.
Each supplement also has an overarching theme. That of the current issue of 6 October 2022 is: "Linked to the world - no science without internationality"