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Chair of Transport Systems Information Technology
The Chair of Transport Systems Information Technology receives a one-year grant of almost 18,000 euros for its teaching digitalisation concept.
Funding for the year 2022/23 is provided by the Digital Learning and Teaching Fund of the TU Dresden. The concept developed for the project "Bring your own Device - Establishment of a digital internship for individual, student-centred data acquisition and evaluation" pursues the goal of using data (e.g. Google Maps location data) with the help of the sensor hardware available on common smartphones and preparing it for measurement data processing.
Specifically, this involves recording GNSS sensor data (also known as GPS data). For this purpose, a logging application and a data parser are being designed that process the data in such a way that they can then be used to create localisation algorithms. So far, the sensor data has been documented in the context of field practicals with the help of measurement hardware.
The main advantages of the project are the use of decentralised and asynchronous teaching concepts without compulsory attendance. In addition, the use of the "bring your own device" approach achieves greater flexibility and traceability of the individual engineering sub-steps ("data collection-data preparation-data evaluation-evaluation").
About the Digital Learning and Teaching Fund
The Digital Learning and Teaching Fund (previously Multimedia Fund) is an instrument installed by the TU Dresden since 2006 for the continuous (further) development of e-learning elements. The fund aims to improve the quality of teaching. In concrete terms, this means increasing the use of multimedia tools in teaching and thus offering and helping to shape a contemporary and appealing learning and teaching offer. Furthermore, previous developments are to be ensured. In addition, the offer should be tailored to all users and their level of technical and digital knowledge.
The goals of the fund for the purpose of quality assurance and sustainability are, among other things, to increase the success rates in the individual degree programmes and to facilitate the transition from Bachelor to Master.
Dipl.-Ing. Paul Schwarzbach
Chair of Transport Systems Information Technology
„Friedrich List“ Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, TU Dresden
Mail: paul.schwarzbach@tu-dresden.de