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Chair of Railway Signalling and Transport Safety Technology
New technology in the safety engineering laboratory at TU Dresden enables special seminars on the subject of ETCS (European Train Control System).
In the Safety Engineering Laboratory (SIL) at the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences of TU Dresden, two special seminars on ETCS (European Train Control System) could be offered in the winter semester 2021/22 with newly acquired technology for balise programming and the ETCS user interface available through the PRESIM research project. This was also made possible by the reorientation of the compulsory elective subject Train Control and Route Safety Systems (ZFS), in which ETCS topics form a focal point.
In the balise programming seminar, the structure and contents of various telegrams are first discussed, then edited and subsequently programmed on Eurobalises themselves. In another seminar, restrictions such as speed restrictions and ETCS blocks are entered and activated on a simulated ETCS user interface. Simulated vehicle movements show their effects, which stimulate discussion.
PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Ulrich Maschek
Senior Academic Associate
Chair of Railway Signalling and Transport Safety Technology
"Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, TU Dresden
Mail: ulrich.maschek@tu-dresden.de