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Personnel changes
Renowned Professor from TU Dresden takes over as Divisional Board Member for Energy and Transport.
Dresden transport and traffic scientist Professor Dr.-Ing. Regine Gerike has been appointed to the German Aerospace Center (DLR). She will take over as Divisional Board Member for Energy and Transport in the late fall of this year.
For Regine Gerike, the appointment to DLR is a great honour and recognition of her previous professional achievements in science and research and her outstanding commitment to numerous national and international committees, working groups and projects. "Therefore, I am very happy for Regine Gerike and congratulate her warmly on behalf of all faculty members. I am optimistic that the previous cooperation of the faculty with DLR will be further strengthened and expanded by this change," said the Dean of the "Friedrich List", Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther Prokop.
Regine Gerike has been Head of the Chair of Integrated Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering at the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences at TU Dresden since 2015. In addition, she has been a member of the faculty's dean's office as Vice Dean Research since autumn 2018. "In this role, she has been instrumental in driving forward the strategic realignment of the faculty. As a scientist, she was and is a figurehead for the faculty," says the dean.
In addition to regretting "losing such a committed colleague", Günther Prokop also sees Regine Gerike's appointment as a seal of quality for the outstanding position of the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences on the scientific map in the subject areas of mobility, transport and traffic, infrastructure and energy: "Key positions in these socially so relevant areas are filled by scientists from the ranks of Dresden's transport and traffic sciences."
About the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences at the TU Dresden
The faculty is the only one in Germany dedicated to transport and traffic sciences and has an internationally recognized competence for sustainable mobility. The interdisciplinary research covers the entire range of transport on land and in the air. The faculty is a pioneer in the development of systemic solutions for the design of safe, efficient and sustainable transport systems according to technical, economic, ecological and social criteria. Research and teaching are carried out in an interdisciplinary network within the TU Dresden and the DRESDEN-concept association as well as together with national and international partners from science and practice.
More than 200 scientists research and teach at seven institutes and 20 professorships. The faculty offers 6 own study programs, including the diploma degree in Transport Engineering, the bachelor degree in Transport Economics and 4 master programs. For practical applications in research and teaching, the researchers and 1,100 students of the faculty have access to around 30 laboratories or experimental and test facilities.
Prof. Regine Gerike

Head of the Chair of Integrated Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering
„Friedrich List“ Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, TU Dresden
mail: regine.gerike@tu-dresden.de