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The MoveOn project at the Chair of Transport Ecology has made it onto the shortlist (top 3) for this year's German Mobility Award in the “Digital Transformation and AI” category. The project was also awarded the audience prize. The PrioBike project at the Chair of Traffic Process Automation was nominated for the shortlist in the “Practical examples” category.
MoveON - Cycling data for Germany
MoveON is based on GPS route data collected as part of the nationwide cycling campaign “Stadtradeln”. The cycling data is evaluated and made available to participating municipalities free of charge as a basic analysis. In addition, the data obtained is processed for various application scenarios, for example as user statistics, graphically prepared “heat maps” or as an analysis of waiting times at junctions. More than 700 local authorities are already using the data as a tool for local traffic planning.
The research team is currently working on new methods to create more precise long-term statistics on traffic volumes, extrapolate the collected data to the average daily bicycle traffic (DTV) of a year or investigate factors for the success of cycling campaigns in rural areas, among other things. The combination of digital technologies should also increase the efficiency of data collection and processing.
MoveON is a joint project of the Chair of Transport Ecology at the “Friedrich List” Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Klima-Bündnis e.V. and flow.d GmbH, a spin-off of the Chair of Computer Networks at TU Dresden. The project has a volume of around € 2.44 million and is being funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs (BMDV) with € 2.31 million as part of the National Cycling Plan 3.0.
A detailed project presentation has already been published in "Verkehrslage": Link to the article
PrioBike HH - Sustainability and digitalization of cycling
In order to increase the cycling mode share, it is essential to promote the attractiveness of cycling. People primarily cycle when they feel safe and find cycling comfortable. Both the issue of cycling safety and the travel time and comfort of cycling are addressed in the project.
In collaboration with the Chair of Computer Networks at the Faculty of Computer Science (TU Dresden), the Chair of Traffic Process Automation is developing a cyclist information system that gives cyclists a speed recommendation, which, if adhered to, will allow them to arrive at the next traffic light-controlled junction during a clearance. There is no need to wait at red lights. This information is displayed at selected points on information boards in the street. In addition, an app is being developed that provides individual driving and speed information and offers multi-criteria bicycle routing. The app will also collect anonymized movement data from cyclists, which will then be available for analysis.
Furthermore, a traffic situation-dependent, multimodal optimization of the coordination of traffic lights is being developed, in which the progressive speed of cyclists in particular is to be given more consideration.
To the detailed project presentation
The German Mobility Award
The German Mobility Award is presented annually by the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport (BMDV) in the categories Digital Transformation and AI, New Mobility Solutions, Design and Practical Examples. An audience award is also presented. This year's award ceremony took place as part of the Federal Government's Digital Summit in Frankfurt am Main on October 21, 2024.
The jury for the mobility award consists of leading experts from the fields of digital and mobility, including “Friedrich List” faculty alumni Prof. Dr. Angela Francke, who has held an endowed professorship for cycling in Kassel since 2021.
We congratulate all the scientists involved on the award.
German Mobility Award
The German Mobility Award is the innovation prize for companies, start-ups, networks, initiatives from the mobility and digital sector as well as local authorities and administrations. The prize is one of the most important awards in the digital and mobility sector and is awarded annually by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV). (
Dr.-Ing. Sven Lißner
Chair of Transport Ecology
Head of Research Group Cycling/BikeLab
+49 351 463-36929
Dipl.-Ing. Sven Fröhlich
Professur für Verkehrsprozessautomatisierung
+49 351 463-36718
Die Nominierung für den Preis ist ein wichtiges Signal für die Stärkung des Radverkehrs in Deutschland und motiviert uns, weiter an digitalen Konzepten für fahrradfreundliche Städte und Kommunen zu forschen. Die Auszeichnung mit dem Publikumspreis zeigt die große gesellschaftliche Relevanz unseres Forschungsthemas und dass wir zahlreiche Menschen mit unserer Forschung bewegen.